What a month! First of all, the 'Elusive Love' music video is finished. It took an age, but its done. Here it is.
I've played a whole heap of great gigs, Skegness, Cleethorpes and a bunch of Lincoln ones. Christmas Eve at the Crow's Nest was great, with free beer and a free lift home. It was a fantastic gig.
We've also recorded four songs for the new Ian Brough album, 'Car Crashes and Part Time Lesbians'. 'Suspect', 'Emma Taylor', 'Roulette' and 'Prick' all have drum tracks played by me. I'm not much of a drummer, but apart from a few slight timing slips they sound good and powerful. There are also bass, guitar & vocal tracks down.
I also wrote a christmas song, during a drunken party night. I recorded it on christmas day, and here's the demo on youtube:
Unfortunately, Boxing day brought me a cold, and I'm now pretty poorly. Viral Conjunctivitis has just hit me and I've spent a couple of days in the dark, but i've not missed a gig, even if they make my eyes hurt.
Here's a laugh: some christmas busking:
The other excitement is that we're fast approaching 10,000 youtube hits! so please, click through my youtube channel and enjoy some of those videos!
Sam :-D